Online Survey / Discussion Forum

Qus  1: Would you say our web site is efficient and Time saving ?

Total View:   4571
Total No of Agreed:   40.01%
Total No of Disagreed:   59.99%
Your View:      
Qus  2: Is commercial tax website provides Managed Information?

Total View:   2254
Total No of Agreed:   32.48%
Total No of Disagreed:   67.52%
Your View:      
Qus  3: Does commercial tax website facilitate Quick decisions?

Total View:   1993
Total No of Agreed:   23.78%
Total No of Disagreed:   76.22%
Your View:      
Qus  4: Did commercial tax website led to Paperless work?

Total View:   1932
Total No of Agreed:   25.57%
Total No of Disagreed:   74.43%
Your View:      
Qus  5: Is Centralized Monitoring possible through commercial tax website?

Total View:   1385
Total No of Agreed:   35.16%
Total No of Disagreed:   64.84%
Your View: